0948 485 0225 | 0950 172 6227 alternatiboshop@gmail.com

7 Day Combo Cleansing Seminar Promo

Original price was: ₱15,000.00.Current price is: ₱13,500.00.


The most powerful safe & effective natural herbal products in the world. Dok Alternatibo 7 days cleansing/total detoxification formula.


47 in stock

SKU: 8807991977101-1 Category: Tag:


The most powerful safe & effective natural herbal products in the world. Dok Alternatibo 7 days cleansing/total detoxification formula.


* Feeling lighter and brighter
* Increase energy
* More restful sleep
* Better bowel movements
* Healthier skin, hair and look younger
* Strengthens the immune system

Additional information

Weight 5.5 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 20 cm